Effective Emergency Button for Elderly
The Most Important Life-Saving Feature for the Elderly: An Emergency Button
While you might not think that your grandparents need to know about the latest smartphone operating system, there are aspects of modern life that can pose a real threat to older generations. For example, a study released by the American Geriatrics Society found that one in five Americans over the age of 65 have fallen victim to an elder fraud in the last year alone. These crimes range from identity theft and email impersonation to more elaborate schemes like phony social services and home invasions. With so many people being targeted, you might be wondering what is the most important thing you can do to protect your elderly loved ones. The answer lies with emergency buttons. As explained in this article, these simple devices are discreetly installed inside a home and allow family members to contact emergency services from anywhere in the house regardless of whether they’re available or not.
Push and Protect: Emergency Button for Elderful
As we get older, several changes can happen to the daily lives that can put us at risk. For example, as you might know, the laws surrounding assisted living facilities can change over the years, so you might want to plan and make sure you’ll have access to your money. This is especially important if you live in an assisted living facility. When a loved one is living in an assisted living facility, he or she is at a higher risk of suffering from falls and other injuries. Additionally, you might experience loss of mobility due to an illness or injury. This is why it’s so important to have a way to call emergency services if your loved one needs help. An emergency button for elderly lets you help protect your loved one from injury or illness and gives you peace of mind that they can get the help they need.
One Push Away From Safety: The Emergency Call Button
One thing that can happen to the elderly that is incredibly dangerous is a fall. Fall-related injuries are the leading cause of death among adults over the age of 65. Whether it’s a fall down the stairs or while getting out of bed, fall injuries can be quite serious and even deadly. And, sadly, falls are one of the leading causes of injury among the elderly. To reduce the risk of fall-related injuries, install an emergency call button inside your home. With just one push, your elderly loved one can make an emergency call and be connected to the local emergency services. By pressing the button and having an emergency number programmed into it, your loved one can immediately call for help in the event of an emergency.
A Modern Solution to Peace of Mind - Cellular Medical Alerts Explained
Cellular medical alerts are a great solution that lets you protect your elderly loved one from fall injuries, financial abuse, and other threats to their safety. With a cellular medical alert system, your elderly loved one can quickly contact emergency services by pressing a button inside their home. The system comes with a special phone that they can keep close to their bed at all times. With this phone, they can easily push one button and call for help in the event of an emergency. The system is easy to use and comes with several convenient features like automatic call forwarding, a lock feature, and customizable tones. In addition, you can use the system to receive alerts about your elderly loved one and connect with family members as well.
The Life-Saving Benefits of Medical Alert Systems
Medical alert systems provide an important layer of protection for the elderly. When a loved one is attacked or falls ill, an emergency button inside the home can be used to quickly call for help. With medical alerts, you can also receive alerts about your loved one’s health and safety. This is especially helpful for the elderly who might be more likely to forget to check in on themselves. Medical alerts can help to alleviate the isolation many feel during old age.
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