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How to Use alerts to keep your senior citizens safe and healthy If you’ve got grandparents, a parent, or another senior living in your home, keeping them safe and healthy is an important part of your caring responsibilities. Make sure they’re aware of their surroundings and know where the exits are so that they can get out if needed. Have spare keys handy so that they don’t have to go searching for them. But how do you keep your elderly relative informed and ensure they’re safe? Not all Alert devices for senior citizens are thrilled to receive daily alerts on their phones or computer. They may not be aware of the risks or the potential consequences should they choose not to take the precautions outlined below. The best remedy is a personalized message that lets them know how much you care without being intrusive. Here are some ways to let your senior citizens know when they need to be more careful while around stairs or other potential hazards: Alert Devices for Senior Citizens: The N...